Welcome Nadia Hamouda in our team!
Nadia starts her medical doctoral thesis in our group. She will investigate the «Development of a Gender-sensitive Risk Assessment Tool to Predict Short- and Long-term Outcomes of COVID-19».
Nadia starts her medical doctoral thesis in our group. She will investigate the «Development of a Gender-sensitive Risk Assessment Tool to Predict Short- and Long-term Outcomes of COVID-19».
What an interesting day at the Gebhard Lab! The SRF «Einstein» film crew visited our lab to report on our research on the differences of heart attacks in women and men. The programme was broadcast on November 5th 2020 from 21:05 - 21:50 with the title «Geschlechterrollen: Wo die Forschung Frauen vergisst».
We are delighted that Mina, Chiara, and Arnaud, all third-year medical students, will support our COVID-19 SNSF project with their skills and positive energy, and will conduct their medical master thesis on «Geschlechterunterschiede bei den Spätfolgen von COVID-19», «Einfluss des soziokulturellen Geschlechts («Gender») auf den Krankheitsverlauf von COVID-19», and «Einfluss der Geschlechtshormone Östrogen und Testosteron auf den Krankheitsverlauf von COVID-19» in our lab.
Alexia joined our team as postdoctoral fellow. Alexia is a radiologist from Italy with an outstanding research track record in cardiac imaging.
As a senior consultant in Nuclear Medicine, Nidaa is very well placed indeed for this new challenge. Nidaa’s PhD thesis is entitled «Gender-Differences in Heart-Brain-Crosstalk: Role of Inflammation, Sympathetic Pathways, and Psychosocial Complexity». Welcome Nidaa!
The Loop Zurich awarded us a joint synergy grant «Development of a Gender-sensitive Risk Assessment Tool to Predict Short- and Long-term Outcomes of COVID-19 (COVID-GEnder: COGEN)».
We are pleased that Adrienne and Samuel have joined our group to do a practical research training in our team. Welcome!
We are pleased that Nastaran and Claudia are joining the Gebhard Lab. Nastaran is a medical student working on her masters’ project titled «Predictors of an Increased Amygdalar Metabolic Activity in Cardiovascular Patients», whereas Claudia leads the research project titled «Influence of Gender on COVID-19 Disease».
We are fortunate that Atanas has joined our group as postdoctoral fellow specializing in biostatistics and programming. He comes with profound experience in bench-to-bedside research. Happy to have you in our team.
Department of Cardiology
Freiburgstrasse 18
CH-3010 Bern
Department of Nuclear Medicine
Cardiovascular Gender Medicine
Rämistrasse 100
CH-8091 Zurich
Department of Acute Medicine
Intensive Care Unit
Petersgraben 4
CH-4031 Basel
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