MD-PhD Student
Nidaa is a nuclear medicine physician with a keen interest in cardiovascular imaging and always driven to learn new things. The excellent reputation of Uniersity Hospital of Zurich (CH), a stone's throw from his native Alsace, drew him to Zurich. Here, he is currently completing his PhD in our team. After graduating from the medical school of Strasbourg (FR), Nidaa completed his fellowship in Paris at Bichat University Hospital (FR). He then held a position as a senior consultant in both Bichat and Beaujon Hospitals near Paris. When he is in the office, you should never leave a box of sweets within his reach unless you want to get rid of it. In his leisure time, he enjoys music (an oud and guitar aficionado) and learning about the subtle differences between Dativ and Genitiv and between standard and Swiss German.
Pubmed ORCID 0000-0003-4896-1428