In the Media
|| Article || DE || «NZZ»
Frauen und Gesundheit: Weg von der «Bikini-Medizin»
|| Article || DE || «Medical Tribune»
Frauenherzen sind anfälliger für Stress
|| Article || DE || «NZZ»
Tödliches Unwissen: Frauenherzen sind anders, doch die wenigsten wissen das
|| Article || DE || «Sanitas Kundenmagazin»
Gendermedizin: Bedeutende Unterschiede
|| Article || DE || «Schaffhauser Nachrichten»
Kardiologin: Frauen sollten sich intensiver mit ihrem Herz befassen
|| Video || DE || «SNF NRP 78: Unterschiedliche Covid-19 Schweregrade bei Männern und Frauen»
Das Forschungsprojekt von Catherine Gebhard, Universitätsspital Zürich, untersuchte die Geschlechterunterschiede zwischen Männern und Frauen bei einer SARS-CoV-2 Infektion. Dieses Projekt wurde im Rahmen der SNF Sonderausschreibung Coronaviren umgesetzt: Link
|| Interview || DE || «NZZ»
Der tödliche Unterschied: Warum Mann sein ein Gesundheitsrisiko ist
Männer leben im Durchschnitt vier Jahre kürzer als Frauen. Dahinter verbirgt sich mehr als die biologischen Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern.
|| Article || DE || «PWC Switzerland»
Gendermedizin – für eine Gesundheit mit Zukunft
Drittes Netzwerktreffen der «Female Leaders in Health and Pharma»
|| Article || DE || «GlücksPost»
Frauen sind anders krank als Männer
|| Article || DE || «Amnesty Magazin»
Das vergessene Geschlecht: Frauen werden oft medizinisch schlechter behandelt als Männer. Schuld sind Vorurteile und mangelndes Wissen über weibliche Körper. Doch es tut sich was.
|| Radio Programme || DE || «SRF»
Gender! Jetzt auch noch in der Medizin. Klar, denn die Unterscheidung bei Krankheiten und Therapien nach Geschlechtern macht Sinn und spart Kosten. Frauen beispielsweise haben andere Symptome, wenn es um einen Herzinfarkt geht.
|| Article || DE || «Tagesanzeiger»
Geschlechtsunterschiede in der Medizin: Frauen sind anders krank – Männer auch
|| Article || DE || «EMMA»
Kränker durch Schmerzmittel
|| Radio Programme || DE || «RadioX»
Wir müssen mal wieder über Gendermedizin reden
|| Article || IT || «Cooperazione»
Uomini e donne si ammalano diversamente
|| Radio Programme || DE || «SWR1 Leute»
Gendermedizin: Darum sollte die Frau in der Medizin mehr im Mittelpunkt stehen
|| Radio Programme || DE || «SRF»
In der Schweiz soll die Gender-Medizin gefördert werden. Heute debattiert der Ständerat über eine Motion, welche die Forschung zu den medizinischen Unterschieden zwischen Männern und Frauen finanzieren soll.
|| Video || DE || «Schweizer Illustrierte - Roche»
Das sind die häufigsten Mythen rund um Frauengesundheit
|| Public Lecture || EN || «Life Science Zurich Impact Conference»
The 3rd Life Science Zurich Impact Conference was dedicated to the topic «Data for Health» on May 23. Around 350 participants took the opportunity to learn about current trends and to network.
|| Podcast || DE || «Meyer trifft Mediziner»
Gendermedizin ist nicht Frauenmedizin
|| Interview || DE || «Insel Magazin»
Sich das Frauenherz zu Herzen nehmen
|| Interview || DE || «Mediaplanet»
Frauen benötigen Chancengleichheit - auch in der Medizin
|| Television appearance || DE || «SRF 10vor10»
10 vor 10 - Parlament will Gendermedizin fördern
|| Interview || DE || «SRF Wissen»
Gender in Medizin und Politik: Höchste Zeit, dass Frauen in der Medizin beachtet werden
|| Interview || DE || «Watson»
Die Schweiz ist in der Gendermedizin das Schlusslicht
|| Interview || DE || «Schweizerische Herzstiftung»
Wir müssen andere Organe miteinbeziehen
|| Statement || EN || «Swissinfo»
First Swiss chair of gender medicine to be created in Zurich
|| Presentation || DE || «UZH News»
Themenabend Gendermedizin: Erster Lehrstuhl für Gendermedizin
|| Article || DE || «Saarbrücker Zeitung»
Neue Forschungsinitiative zu geschlechtsspezifischen Erkrankungen
Homburger Initiative zur Gendermedizin
|| Interview || DE || «SNF News»
Unterschiedliche COVID Schweregrade bei Männern und Frauen
|| Interview || DE || «USZ Magazin»
Soziokulturelle Faktoren bei Long COVID
|| Interview || DE || «EMMA»
Frauenherzen schlagen anders
|| Interview || DE || «Swiss Heart Foundation»
Verstehen, warum Frauenherzen im Alter verletzlicher sind
|| Public Lecture || DE || «Women's Circle Zurich: Gendermedizin – one size does not fit all»
Gendermedizin – Männer sind anders, Frauen auch.
|| Interview || DE || «Fitmacher – Heimat Krankenkasse»
Women and men differ in health and disease.
|| Lecture || DE || «Klinik Wysshölzli, Herzogenbuchsee»
Catherine discusses the impact of sex and gender on drug addiction and eating disorders during her lecture at the Klinik Wysshölzli in Herzogenbuchsee.
|| Interview || DE || «Tagesanzeiger»
Our medical knowledge is based on data derived from a young and male population.
|| Article || DE || «Medical Tribune»
What are differences in the disease course of coronary artery disease between men and women? How do they differ regarding treatment responses and outcomes? This article in ‘Medical Tribune’ summarizes Catherine’s keynote lecture at the Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Cardiology at June 17th 2022 in St. Gallen, Switzerland.
|| Interview || DE || Interview with the «Swissheart Foundation»
«Female hearts become more vulnerable with age.»
|| Interview || DE || «Primary and Hospital Care»
Interview in «Primary and Hospital Care» about the integration of Gender-specific medicine in medical education in Switzerland and the difficulty to implement Gender Medicine into clinical routine.
|| Public Lecture || DE || «Schweizerischer Verband für Frauenrechte»
Cathérine speaks about the goal to reach gender equity in medicine at the Meeting «Invisible Obstacles for Women» of the Swiss Association for Women’s Rights in Basel.
|| Television programme || DE || «SRF Puls»
Cathérine Gebhard explains on Swiss television, how biology (sex) and behavior (gender) play a role in the life expectancy of men.
|| Guest Commentary || DE, FR || «Politik + Patient»
Precision or individualized medicine is a new and better approach to health care based on each person’s unique characteristics. Cathérine Gebhard explains why consideration of sex and gender differences in medicine is the first step towards individualized medicine.
|| Article || DE, EN || «Deutsche Welle»
COVID-19 infection can manifest in different ways in males and females. Some gender differences seem to be caused by sociocultural differences between men and women rather than biological ones. Cathérine Gebhard contributes to a «DW COVID-19 Special» and explains why men and women are at different health risk when exposed to the coronavirus.
|| Article || DE, EN || «University Medicine Zurich»
Our ongoing project on «COVID-19: Different disease progression in women and men» is presented at the University Medicine Zurich webpage. Have a look and learn everything about this study.
|| Article || DE, FR, EN || «Horizons»
Man or woman? This question is crucial to disease prevention, diagnosis and therapy, but is asked all-too-rarely. Read this interesting article in the Swiss Research Magazine.
|| Public Lecture || DE || «Gesundheitsforum Rheinfelden»
Listen to this educational session at Gesundheitsforum Rheinfelden and learn from Cathérine Gebhard why cardiovascular risk factors weight differently in women and men.
|| Article || DE || «20 Minuten»
Gender has a significant effect on accurate and timely diagnosis as well as treatment of diseases. Cathérine Gebhard emphasizes to strengthen the role of women in medicine to overcome this problem.
|| Article || DE || «Schweizer Familie»
Our ongoing study about the influence of gender on the heart-brain axis has been advertised in a Swiss family journal. Please have a look at the study information sheet and contact us if you would like to participate.
|| Article || DE || «Corona & Frauengesundheit»
Our research data about the impact of sex and gender on Post-COVID-19 syndrome are being discussed in the magazine «Emma».
|| Article || DE || «Fitmacher»
When it comes to health, sex matters. Cathérine Gebhard explains how and why COVID-19 or heart disease affect women and men differently.
|| Article || DE || «KSB Update»
Cathérine discusses the impact of emotional stress on the female and male cardiovascular system.
|| Article || DE || «Blick»
Women and men report differential side effects following COVID-19 vaccination. Cathérine Gebhard explains why men and women tend to respond differently to vaccines, explains the impact of sex and sex hormones on the immune system, and discusses the problem with the dosing of the shots.
|| Article || DE || «Republik»
Read the story of a young woman experiencing life threatening health problems, which are wrongfully reduced to psychological issues. The urgent question arises: Why is the gender bias in medicine and medical research still putting women at risk?
|| Article || DE || «Schweizerische Ärztezeitung»
The importance of Gender Medicine for today’s and future healthcare was the key topic at the «Business and Professional Women Zürich» meeting in October 2021.
|| Article || DE || «KSB Blog»
What is the difference between a myocardial infarction and the Broken Heart Syndrome? And why is emotional stress the silent killer of a women`s heart? Read an interview about this interesting topic.
|| Podcast || DE || «Durchblick»
There are remarkable sex and gender differences in myocardial infarction, osteoporosis and COVID-19. Cathérine Gebhard talks about the impact of body size, genetics and immune responses on disease manifestation and explains the «man flu».
|| Public Lecture || DE || «USZ Forum - Livestream»
Listen to this educational session and learn from Cathérine Gebhard and her colleagues. «Warum Frauen und Männer in der Medizin anders behandelt werden sollen».
|| Article || DE || «Schwäbische»
Why sickness and health can look different for women and men. Learn about the reasons and implications for both sexes.
|| Article || DE || «Gesundheit-heute»
«Frauenherzen reagieren sensibler auf Stress». Cathérine Gebhard explains the consequences for medical treatment and the importance of personalized medicine.
|| Television programme || DE || «3sat : NANO»
A heart attack manifests differently in women and men. While symptoms of a heart attack are well described in men, there is a data gap in women. Watch this interesting video and learn more about the female heart attack. (Minute 11:17)
|| Television programme || DE || «SRF»
Why do women experience different symptoms than men during a heart attack? Why do women react differently to medical treatments, and when are these sex differences particularly important? Watch the interview with Cathérine Gebhard and get the answers.
|| Article || DE || «NZZ»
Cathérine and Caroline Gebhard work hand in hand to answer questions about the influence of gender on COVID-19. «Frauen und Männer erkranken unterschiedlich – wie zwei Ärztinnen, die Schwestern sind, im Kampf gegen Corona gemeinsame Sache machen».
|| Article || DE || «Schweizer lllustrierte»
How gender medicine uncovers and illuminates blind spots in the healthcare of women and men. Learn more about this interesting topic.
|| Article || DE || «Generationentandem»
A joint effort involving the broad public, politicians and scientists is needed to get gender medicine out of its niche. Learn from Cathérine Gebhard why this is important for all of us. «Gendermedizin – raus aus der Nische».
|| Podcast || DE || «Kritisches Denken»
The major impact of gender on heart disease, COVID-19 or osteoporosis. Learn about sex- and gender differences in diagnostic accuracy and treatment responses in this podcast with Cathérine Gebhard.
|| Short Communication || DE || «Sanitas»
Cathérine Gebhard contributed to the SANITAS Health Forecast 2021 by giving an outlook on the future of gender medicine.
|| Article || DE || «Limmatstadt»
Different symptoms of a heart attack in men and women and the gender data gap – Cathérine Gebhard explains why research and public awareness are so important in this field.
|| Article || DE || «USZ» and «USZ News»
Why are women are more likely to suffer from «long COVID»? Cathérine Gebhard talks about the results of a large multi-center study in Switzerland on risk factors of long COVID in women and men.
|| Article || DE || «Apotheken Umschau»
«Geschlechterunterschiede bei COVID-19». The disease differs in men and women. Cathérine Gebhard is drawing conclusions for future therapies.
|| Podcast || DE || SRF «Kontext»
The «little difference» is sometimes a major one. Especially in medicine, this difference has been ignored in research and treatment of diseases. Caroline Gebhard and Torsten Buch explain why this is so important.
|| Television programme || DE || NDR «Visite»
Because the symptoms of a heart attack in women are often misinterpreted, the start of treatment is often delayed. With fatal consequences. Cathérine Gebhard explains how this endangers women's health.
|| Panel discussion || DE || «UZH Lecture Series»
«50 Years of Women's Suffrage in Switzerland» On the way to gender equality? Female and male in life science, law, and medicine.
|| Podcast || DE || SRF «Focus»
Whether professional life, sports, politics, or society: differences between the sexes are always emphasized. Just not in medicine. Cathérine Gebhard knows why.
|| Article || DE || «Blick»
Women and men are affected differently. Corona hits men harder and they die more often from COVID-19. However, long-term consequences of a coronavirus infection are more often seen in women.
II Podcast II DE II «Herzfrequenz: der Podcast rund ums Herz»
Cathérine Gebhard talks about the myth that only men experience heart attack and explains the Takostubo-Syndrome. Learn about the different symptoms in men and women.
|| Television programme || DE || ZDF «heute - in Europa»
Focus on «Schweiz: Gender-Medizin in der Herzforschung».
II Article II DE II «Kantonsspital Baden Blog»
«Gendermedizin ist keine Frauenmedizin». Cathérine Gebhard explains the importance of gender medicine and names areas in which clinical research has neglected differences between men and women.
|| Short Communication || DE || «Swiss Medical Forum»
Cathérine Gebhard and colleagues highlight the important impact of sex and gender on COVID-19 outcomes. «COVID-19: ein geschlechtsbezogener Blick auf die Pandemie»
II Article II DE II «Schweizer IIIustrierte»
Hot flushes are often being associated with menopause. It is important to interpret such symptoms correctly and rule out other underlying causes such as high blood pressure. Get to know the warning signs of a heart attack in women. «Hitzewallungen kommen nicht nur in den Wechseljahren vor».
|| Article || DE || «PraxisDepesche»
Interview with Prof. Cathérine Gebhard about the new CAS Sex- and Gender-Specific Medicine.
|| Short communication || EN || «Horizons – The Swiss Research Magazine»
Cathérine Gebhard is introduced as one of three researchers who promote more attentive research.
|| Radio programme || FR || «Planète santé»
Cathérine Gebhard discusses gender differences in COVID-19 mortality. «Quelles inégalités entre femmes et hommes face au COVID».
|| Television programme || DE || SRF «Einstein»
Cathérine Gebhard highlights the importance of gender medicine for disease detection and clinical treatment. Watch her contribution to «Die Macht der Geschlechterrollen». (Minute 29:45)
|| Radio programme || DE || «Saarländischer Rundfunk»
Cathérine Gebhard talks about gender differences in COVID-19 mortality in German radio.
|| Article || DE || «Sonntagszeitung»
Ignoring sex differences in clinical trials and drug tests may have fatal consequences. Read more in the article «Frauen erhalten oft zu hohe Dosen».
|| Article || DE || «Tages-Anzeiger»
Cathérine Gebhard explains why side effects of medication occur more often in women. «Sexistische Medizinalforschung – Frauen sind etwa doppelt so oft von Nebenwirkungen betroffen wie Männer».
|| Television programme || DE || SRF «Puls»
More men than women die of COVID-19. A possible explanation of this difference could be related to the effect of testosterone on virus entry proteins. In «Männer: das schwache Covid-Geschlecht» Cathérine Gebhard discusses the factors that might explain the worse outcomes observed in male COVID-19 patients.
|| Article || DE || «Blick»
In «Männer erkranken schwerer: Macht Testosteron Corona gefährlicher?» Cathérine Gebhard presents her Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) funded project on why men are infected with coronavirus more often than women.
|| Radio interview || DE || SRF «Blick in die Feuilletons»
Cathérine Gebhard discusses why gender medicine is such an important research field. To find out, listen in!
|| Article || DE, EN, FR, IT, ES, RU, JA, AR & ZH || «SwissInfo»
«Why more women than men have got Covid-19 during lockdown». Learn more about the effects of social and biological differences on infection rates in men and women in this interview with Cathérine Gebhard.
|| Article || DE || «Tages-Anzeiger»
Why the gender-gap is influencing infection rates in women and men differently. Cathérine Gebhard highlights the reasons in «Wie der Lockdown den Gender Gap verschärft».
|| Article || DE || «USZ News»
Male prototype. A disadvantage for women and men. Interview with Cathérine Gebhard about the need for gender medicine and why it is also important for men. «Der medizinische Prototyp war lange Zeit der Mann».
|| Article || DE || «Der Tagesspiegel»
The small field of gender medicine and its big impact on medical care! Cathérine Gebhard on what gender medicine represents. «Warum eine geschlechtsspezifische Medizin wichtig ist».
|| Article || DE & FR || «Vitagate»
Cardiovascular disease, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation are obtained from the male prototype with fatal consequences for women. Cathérine Gebhard is searching for better treatment and rehabilitation options for women, but also for men. «Frauenherzen ticken anders».
|| Short communication || DE || «Berner Zeitung» & «Der Bund»
|| Short communication || DE || «Keystone Schweizerische Depeschenagentur»
«Weiterbildung soll Mediziner fit in Gendermedizin machen».
|| Short communication || DE || «Schweizerische Ärztezeitung»
Cathérine Gebhard presented the importance of sex and gender in medicine at the 6. MedEd-Symposium of the SIWF in Bern as part of the session «Von Megatrends und Wendepunkten».
II Short Communication II DE II «Seniorweb»
Our Symposium ‘Sex and Gender in Medicine’ which took place on November 15th 2019 at the Aula of the University of Zurich was highlighted by Seniorweb as being of particular interest for elderly people. «Herzensangelegenheiten».
|| Short communication || DE || «UZH News»
Symposium about gender medicine as an importance in the step towards personalized medicine. «Frauenherzen schlagen anders».
|| Article || DE || «Tagesanzeiger» & «Sonntagszeitung»
Frauen «zu wenig berücksichtigt und zu schlecht behandelt» & «Vernachlässigte Frauenherzen. Bei einem Infarkt bekommen Patientinnen noch immer eine schlechtere medizinische Versorgung als Männer.» Cathérine Gebhard discusses the differences between male and female heart attack and its consequences.
|| Article || DE || «iMpuls»
Cathérine Gebhard on why women are more likely than men to die of a heart attack and the major differences between men and women. «Frauenherzen ticken anders».
|| Article || DE || «St. Galler Tagblatt»
Several studies have shown that gender influences symptoms and the course of diseases, which in turn impacts on how we are treated by our physicians. Cathérine Gebhard discusses how. «Frauen sind anders krank als Männer – Die Medizin wendet sich den Frauen zu».
|| Article || DE || «Aargauer Zeitung»
Cathérine Gebhard describes why women experience illness in different ways than men. «Spezialistin für Gender-Medizin: Frauen sind anders krank als Männer».
|| Article || EN || «Reuters»
How can hockey increase the risk for a heart attack? Check out the article «Montreal men take hockey to heart».
|| Article || DE || «Sonntagszeitung»
A small difference with fatal consequences for women.
|| Article || DE || «UZH Journal»
Differences in disease course? Are there really any differences between women and men? «Stimmt es, dass… männliche und weibliche Krankheiten gibt?».
|| Article || DE, EN, FR & IT || «SNSF Newsroom»
Drugs are rarely tested in pregnant women and children. Cathérine Gebhard and colleagues try to adapt the guiding principles of medical care with their research. «Kinder und Schwangere, die Vergessenen der Medizinforschung».
|| Article || DE || «MediXblog»
There are gender disparities in medicine, too. «Auch in der Medizin sind Frauen und Männer nicht gleich».
|| Article || DE || «UZH» and «UZH News»
Cathérine Gebhard presents her research about cardiovascular gender medicine at UZH and USZ.
Publications and articles
For full access to media work or scientific publications please contact